Dr Connell’s list is full.
He is only available to see existing patients.
The preferred method of contact for existing patients to enquire or to book appointments is via telephone - it is much more straightforward and less delayed than email correspondence.
I’ve come back for more - as I’m absolutely delighted.
As I got older, I felt like I was becoming invisible!
After your magical treatment, I now look like the younger me - And I'm definitely NOT being ignored now.
I'm back! Getting plenty of positive attention.
It's amazing - Dr Philip, you are an artist and a genius.
Thank you, thank you, thank you :-) :-) :-)
LH 16/4/17
Enquiries/Appointments Telephone:
0800 1971545
020 7385 7545
Dr Connell’s list is full.
He is only available to see existing patients.
10 Harley Street
Fillip = noun / something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity / synonyms: stimulus, boost, encouragement, incentive, impetus, tonic / informal: shot in the arm, pick me up